Monday, January 16, 2006

Learner Profile

Over the past week I have been trying to think of what to write to describe myself as a learner. Ironically a couple of weeks ago a friend of mine jokingly asked me if I was addicted to anything and I replied that I am addicted to learning! For most of my life I have been studying both formally and informally, whether it be a language, fitness leadership, degree programs, etc. I generally like to learn by reading and then reflecting on the material. In class settings I usually do not abosorb the material on the spot but rather need to review it a couple of times before it sinks in. It is almost as though the initial information serves as an introduction and then I have to study it and make it my own.

With regards to the M. Ed. (IT), my goals are twofold: 1) I am hoping to become more well versed in the language and concepts of the educational technology field in which I work, and 2) I want to apply the principles to the courses I teach in Business. My main goal for the M. Ed. (IT) is to prepare a thesis and contribute in some way to the field by exploring and adding to an important issue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can relate to those learning goals. I too usually need a while to digest what I've learned.

5:16 AM  

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